Something creates a ripple in some glassy blue water.

Bringing clarity to complexity

Theemis Consulting brings together a team of highly experienced professionals with a combined experience of working within the public, private and academic sectors.

We bring clarity to the complexity faced by organisations as they strive to deliver safe, resilient and responsive services. We do this through investigations, service reviews and applied research. We put collaboration with our clients and their stakeholders at the heart of what we do.

Why Theemis?

We adopt a systems approach using evidence-based methods to understand complex services with stakeholders. We are a team highly experienced in leadership, governance, risk and system investigation.

How we do it

Theemis operates with a high level of integrity and respect and brings the client into the heart of the team. We recognise a difference of opinion as an opportunity to explore and enhance the process and output of our work. We are versatile in our ways of working but bring a consistency in how we work, and always with compassion and sincerity.

Meet the team

We are a team of investigation specialists who adopt a systems, user and stakeholder-centred collaborative approach to our work.

Case studies

Theemis Consulting has been commissioned to conduct multi-method research projects, using observation, interview, survey and documentation review, for a range of clients.

Case studies

We want to leave behind a legacy of methods and approaches that we have lived and breathed, tried and tested – and that demonstrably work.” Dr Laura Pickup, Director of Theemis Consulting